Thursday 29 August 2013



Venkatesh  is one of the most popular heroes in Tollywood.
He was born on December 13, 1960. He was granduated in M.B.A. from Monterey Institute of International Studies, U.S.A. He became a top hero with his first movie Kaliyuga Pandavulu itself.
He is familiar for his class , mass and comedy action. He is well known as Victory Venkatesh.
His recent movies have become more successful just because of his performance. Some of his family oriented movies have made him very close to all the audiences. His unique styles have earned him a wide range of fans all over the world. The comedy scenes in some of his movies have made many children become his fans. He had studied in Landon before he started his career in Tollywood. He had been studying M.B.A. before he joined acting school. Some of his movies had disappointed him before he got a big hit in the industry. His father had produced his movies before others started producing.He had got many offers even before he started his career in cine field.
    He has been acting in selective movies for the last three years. His fans Have been waiting for a big hit for a few months. Many producers and directors have been waiting for his dates. He had been living in the United States before he embraced into Tollywood. He had been giving more importance to action oriented movies than comedy oriented movies till 2002.

Have is used :
1.       To express possession when used as an ordinary verb.
Example : I have a book.
       You have a pen.
2.       To mean ‘to eat’ , ‘to drink etc., when used as an ordinary verb.
Example : I have coffee at 7.00 a.m.
       I have breakfast at 9.00 a.m.
3.       To form present perfect tense.
Example : I have seen a movie.
       She has gone to college.
4.       To form past perfect tense.
Example : They had completed the project work when we went there.
        She had left the classroom when he entered the classroom.
5.       To form present perfect continuous tense.
Example : We have been learning English for 10 days.
       She has been working as a teacher since 2000.
6.       To form past perfect continuous tense.
Example : I had been reading a book when they came.
        They had been playing games when she left

7.       To form interrogative sentences.
Example : Have you seen any movie?
       Has she gone anywhere?
8.       To form negative sentences.
Example : I have not seen him / I haven’t seen him.
       She has not met me / She hasn’t met me.
9.       To form negative interrogative sentences.
Example : Have you not met her? Or Haven’t you met her?
       Has he not given you anthing? Or hasn’t he given you anything?
10.   In perfect tenses to form passive voice.
Example : You have to work smart to earn money.
        He has to do something to feed his family.

11.   With ‘to’ infinitive to ezpress a practical nexessity.
Example : You have to work smart to earn money.
       He has to do something to feed his family.
12.   With ‘to’ infinitive to express a command.

Example : You have to attend all the classes.

       You have to be sincere at work.

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